What we have accomplished until today (1998-2013) in the 15 years of our operation & action


√ Our fellow-citizens, which were facing survival issues, both Greeks and refugees, who were helped by our Association to date, estimated to around 25.000 people per year of operation that amount to around 300.000 cases until today.

√ We continue to operate 8 Departments for Collection and Distribution of Clothes, Furniture, and especially Food, from where we distribute to distressed people on a monthly basis (250 tons of food annually). In this area we are supported by individuals, and privately owned Companies who, with their offers, prove in practice that they have Social Responsibility.

√ We continue the daily receipt, transmission and distribution (150.000 servings per year) of cooked food in compliance with high hygiene standards to incapacitated people.

√ We continue our work in the field of Human Support. We have supported thousands of families and individuals that face survival issues and need economical, and medical consultations.

√  We operate training courses for young men, women and children (Computers, Arts & Crafts, and Cutting-Sewing).

√ In cooperation with the Athens Bakers Association, we had arranged for the receipt, transfer and distribution of 450.000 kilos of bread and pastries to Institutions and others.



√  We supported kid’s education, some of which where «traffic light kids» in areas such as «Gazi», «Keramikos» and we supported their families for the continuation of their education.

√  We supported drug addicts up to the final stage, before the procedure of drug rehabilitation, and after the rehabilitation process.

√  There has been assistance (for 10 months) among 1500 Iraqi Kurds living in Koumoundourou Square, and (for a period of 8 months) to young Afghan refugees at the «Pedion Areos» in Athens, in an efficient and equitable manner (1998-2002).

√  We supported a camp of 600 Gypsies in Chalastra Thessaloniki (1999).

√  «We adopted» the camp of the earthquake victims of Drosoupolis at Ano Liossia where an entire comprehensive program to support them was implemented for the 1999 earth quake victims.

√  We organized many Seminars on the practical application of Volunteerism.

√  We organized and operate at the «Thriassio Pedio» the Center for Human Support.

√ We promoted a Shelter program for large families paying for their household rent and supported their household with our volunteers. Eighty per cent of them succeeded, finally, to stand on their own.